Pasta & risotto

Naše domáce penne s jelením ragú Bolognese • 400g/100g

Our homemade penne with venison Bolognese ragout and parmesan • Contains: 1, 3, 7, 9

12,90 €

Naše domáce penne s mascarpone • 400g/80g

Our homemade penne with mascarpone home-smoked salmon, sun-dried tomatoes, Courgette, dried yolk and wine • Contains: 1, 3, 4, 7, 12

14,50 €

Parmezánové rizoto • 400g

Parmesan risotto from Arborio rice with colorful carrots, peas and coursette. Arborio rice is characterized by a tough structure • Contains: 7

11,90 €